Bylaw 3

The Academic Council

Approved by the Vanier College Board of Directors: June 14, 1994

Amended : June 11, 1996; December 11, 2001; February 9, 2016; February 13, 2018


This By-law establishes the Academic Council as required by the General and Vocational Colleges Act
(CQCR, chapter C-29) and is recognized as a local arrangement under 4-5.02 a) of the FNEEQ Collective Agreement.

Article 1 Mandate

1.01 The Academic Council is a permanent body whose mandate is to make recommendations to the
College on any question pertaining to the maintenance, improvement or development of the
College's academic life, including programs and courses in the regular and Continuing Education

The Academic Council must give its opinion to the Board of Directors on any question submitted
to it by the Board in matters within its jurisdiction.

1.02 The Academic Council shall be consulted on the following specific items, among others, prior to
any decision by the College:

  • proposals for institutional policy on the evaluation of learning achievement and procedures
    for the certification of studies;
  • proposals for institutional policy on the evaluation of programs of studies;
  • proposals for programs of studies considered by the College, or any modification to the
    grid of existing programs;
  • the selection of learning activities that are within the jurisdiction of the College;
  • any draft by-law or policy relating to the rules, procedures, and criteria governing the admission and registration of students; and
  • the draft strategic plan of the College regarding matters within the jurisdiction of the
    Academic Council.
  • all academic policies and procedures which are under the Academic Dean’s purview;
  • modifications to academic structures (faculties, departments, programs);
  • modifications to academic space;
  • the academic calendar;
  • memorandums of understanding with other institutions; and
  • any decision that might have a significant impact on teaching and learning.

1.03 If the College refuses to adopt a recommendation from the Academic Council, it shall provide
the Academic Council with the reasons for its decision, in writing.

Article 2 Membership

2.01 The Academic Council is composed of the following members:

a) the Academic Dean, who is the Academic Council's chairperson;
b) ten (10) faculty members, including at least two from each of the three (3) Faculties, elected by their peers and designated by the Vanier College Teachers' Association (V.C.T.A.);
c) two (2) students attending the College, designated by the Vanier College Student Association (V.C.S.A.) in accordance with section 32 of the Act respecting the accreditation and financing of students' associations;
d) two (2) representatives of the professionals’ association, elected by their peers and designated by the Association of Vanier College Professionals (A.V.C.P.);
e) one (1) representative of the support staff, elected by their peers and designated by the Association of Vanier College Support Personnel (A.V.C.S.P.);
f) two (2) members of the academic administration who are responsible for programs of study, designated by the Academic Dean and appointed by the Board of Directors; and
g) one (1) representative of the College administrators, elected by their peers and designated by the Association of Vanier College Administrators (A.V.C.A.).

2.02 The representatives mentioned above are normally nominated by May 15th of each year.

2.03 The term of office of an Academic Council member is one year, beginning with the date of
teachers' availability in August. This term may be renewed. A member appointed after the beginning of teachers' availability in August serves only until the following August. This term may be renewed also.

Article 3 Chairperson

3.01 By law, the Academic Dean is the Chairperson of the Academic Council.

3.02 According to the local practice at Vanier College, the Chairperson delegates the responsibility of presiding at Academic Council meetings to the Vice-chairperson.

3.03 The Chairperson is responsible for setting the agenda of Academic Council meetings in collaboration with the Vice-chairperson, convening meetings, and maintaining liaison with the administration of the College.

Article 4 Vice-Chairperson

4.01 The Vice-chairperson assists the Chairperson to set the agenda of Academic Council meetings,
provides reports to the Board of Directors, and maintains liaison with the rest of the Vanier
community. The Vice-chairperson may also exercise other responsibilities as delegated by the
Academic Council.

4.02 The Vice-chairperson is nominated from among the incoming faculty members and
elected by the incoming members of the Academic Council by June 15th.

If the Vice-chairperson resigns, a by-election is held.

4.03 Each Spring, the outgoing Vice-chairperson discusses with the Academic Dean the resources necessary for the efficient operation of the Academic Council and reports back to the Academic Council.

4.04 The Vice-chairperson or designate reports on behalf of the Academic Council at all Board of
Directors meetings. 

4.05 The Vice-chairperson or designate represents the Academic Council on the Joint
Coordinators’ Committee.

Article 5 Alternate Vice-Chairperson

5.01 The alternate Vice-chairperson replaces the Vice-chairperson when the latter is absent.

5.02 The alternate Vice-chairperson is elected from among the Academic Council’s members at the Academic Council’s first meeting of the new academic year.

Article 6 Meetings

6.01 In the course of an academic year, the Academic Council normally meets at least three
times per semester, for a total of at least six times.

6.02 The meetings are held on College premises during regular College hours. The schedules of
faculty, non-teaching professionals, support staff, and, as far as possible, student members
of the Academic Council are arranged to permit a common meeting time.

6.03 Meetings of Academic Council are convened by the Academic Dean. Upon receipt of a request in writing from five members of the Academic Council, the Academic Dean convenes a special meeting to be held not earlier than two, not later than five working days from receipt of the request.

6.04 Within two weeks of the start of the Fall semester, the Academic Dean calls the first meeting of the Academic Council. The purpose of this meeting is to elect an alternate Vice-Chairperson and receive the report of the previous year’s activities from the past Vice-Chairperson of the Academic Council.

6.05 A draft copy of the minutes of each meeting of Academic Council is transmitted to
members of Academic Council within 15 working days of that meeting.

At least five working days before the date of each regular meeting, the Academic Dean sends
a written notice of meeting, the agenda, a draft of the minutes, and all pertinent documentation to members of the Academic Council and all associations. When special meetings are necessary, the Academic Dean sends the notice of meeting, agenda, and pertinent documentation one working day before the time of the meeting.

6.06 Members of the Vanier community are informed of a meeting and of the agenda of all Academic
Council meetings.

6.07 Academic Council meetings are open to all members of the Vanier community unless the agenda
or a portion thereof requires an in camera discussion.

The Academic Council may consult with and invite to meetings any person whose opinion it
considers useful.

6.08 The quorum consists of ten (10) members of the Academic Council. If the quorum is not attained in a given meeting, the meeting is cancelled. In such case, the Academic Council members present at the following regular meeting constitute the quorum for that meeting, and the meeting takes place regardless of the number of members present.

6.09 The Academic Council operates autonomously and establishes its own internal procedures. The Academic Council may create standing committees and working groups and determine their mandates.

6.10 If any member misses three consecutive meetings, the Academic Council may request the mandating body to name a replacement. 

6.11 Meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

6.12 There will be no proxy vote.

6.13 The Vice-chairperson’s report to the Board of Directors will be distributed to all
members of the Vanier community.

The College sends the approved minutes to the members of the Board of Directors.

The approved minutes are also made available to all members of the Vanier community.

A record of the approved minutes is kept by the Academic Dean’s Office.

Article 7 Yearly Report

7.01 The Vice-chairperson submits a yearly report of the Academic Council’s activities to the
Board of Directors. The report also includes proposed activities for the Academic Council
for the following academic year. Prior to being submitted to the Board of Directors, the
report is approved by the Academic Council.

The College distributes a copy of this report to each group that has designated representatives
on the Academic Council.

7.02 Standing committees of the Academic Council submit an annual report of their activities to the Academic Council.

Article 8 Amendments

8.01 Proposed amendments to these By-laws are recommended to the Board by majority vote
of Council after due notice of motion.

Article 9 Amending Clause

9.01 This by-law replaces all previous by-laws on the Academic Council of Vanier College of
General and Vocational Education.