Electric bass (jazz) audition guide


1) Scales and arpeggios

  • Major scales (one octave): G+, Eb+ and E+
  • Minor scales (one octave): harmonic, melodic or natural: a-, f- and db-
  • Major Arpeggios (one octave): D+, Bb+ and F#+
  •  Minor Arpeggios (one octave): c-, ab- and b-

2) One piece of your choice: classical, jazz, rock, blues, etc.

3) One Jazz Standard:

  • Play the melody for one chorus
  • Walking bass quarter note bass line for one or two choruses. For a 32-bar song play one chorus of Walking bass line.  For shorter songs (like a 12-bar blues) play at least 2 forms of Walking bass line
    • If possible, Solo for one chorus

4) One piece played from a score

  • Simple sight reading in open or first position (quarter notes and eighth notes) will be given

Suggested Jazz Standards: Autumn Leaves, All the Things You Are, How High the Moon, Solar, Blue Bossa, There will Never be Another You, Body and Soul, Now is the Time

You greatly improve your chances of acceptance when you prepare your audition requirements with the guidance of a qualified Electric Bass teacher.  

Need help preparing for your audition? Explore the Vanier Music School.