Academic standing and student success

Academic standing

To be considered in "good academic standing," all full-time students must: 

  • Pass more than 50% of the courses in which they are registered
  • Pass a minimum of 50% of the program-specific courses in which they are registered

This means students must pass more than 50% of all their courses, including general education courses, program-specific courses and remedial/preparatory courses. 

Students are encouraged to read by-law 8, which provides additional information on Academic Success.

Worried about your success at Vanier? 

Graduation requirements

For program-specific graduation requirements, see your program's course lists.

Program Comprehensive Assessment (CPA)

The PCA determines whether a student has integrated all the learning objectives of their program. Different programs use different methods of determining the PCA.  Examples of the methods utilized include assignments, tests, projects or fieldwork/internships. It takes place in the final semester and must be passed. Some examples of PCA:

  • Integrative project
  • Integrative seminar
  • Science option courses

Exit exams

Before obtaining a diploma, all students must pass the Language Exit Exam which they are required to write by law.

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