Emergency measures

Storm watch

In the case of inclement weather, such as a winter storm, the decision to suspend in-person activities  will be made by 6:00 a.m. on the day in question.

Vanier’s Department of Communications and Corporate Affairs will inform the community through a variety of sources:

  • an all-community email will be sent;
  • an OMNIVOX message will be posted;
  • a message will be posted on the College’s web page;
  • a message will be posted on social media accounts;
  • local media outlets will be informed of the College closure.

If no message indicates the closure of the College, regular activities are maintained.

When deciding if the College should suspend its in-person activities due to the weather, the following is taken into consideration:

  • Severity of the storm
  • Access to campus pathways and roadways
  • Status of public transport 
  • Closure of other services

Fire prevention

If you hear a fire alarm:

  • Only if it is safe to do so, take your emergency supplies, car keys, purse and/or wallet and other personal items.
  • Never attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.
  • Proceed to the safest exit or stairwell. Never use the elevators.
  • If you are the last to leave an area, close the doors behind you to confine the fire. Do not lock the doors as it could hamper access to emergency responders.
  • If the area has smoke:
    • Stay low to the ground. Crawl if necessary.
    • Assume smoke and/or fumes are hazardous
    • Use a wet cloth, if possible, to cover your mouth and nose.
  • Before opening any doors, feel the upper, middle and lower part of the door with the back of your hand.
  • If the door is hot or smoke is visible, DO NOT open the door. Look for an alternative exit.
  • If the door is cool, brace yourself against the door and open slowly.
  • If safe to do so, confine the fire by closing any windows or doors.
  • Never go back into a burning building.
  • Move away to the building to a safe distance (50 meters)
  • Once in a safe location, contact Safety & Security services (7575) and give the following information:
    • Your name
    • Telephone number
    • Location of fire (Building, floor, room, etc.)
    • Severity of fire
    • Are people or hazardous equipment involved or in immediate danger
  • Once you report to the designated assembly point, report any noted hazards or remaining personnel.
  • Do not return inside the building until instructed by Safety & Security personnel or the Building Fire Warden.

Evacuation procedure

When to evacuate

  • The fire alarm bell activates (unless in an active threat situation).
  • You are instructed to evacuate by an Emergency Warden, your supervisor, a member of the Evacuation team or by Safety & Security officers.
  • An emergency is evident in your area.
  • You are instructed by an emergency notification (intercom, etc.).

Evacuate the building immediately

  • If it is safe to do so, secure hazardous materials and turn off equipment before leaving.
  • Calmly proceed to the nearest, safe exit. Walk, do not run, push or crowd.
  • Use only the stairs for the evacuation. Stay on the right and use the handrail.
  • Accompany and help any individual with special needs, visitors or colleagues who appear to need direction or assistance.
  • Close doors behind you but do not lock them.
  • Verify doors for heat before opening. Do not open if hot.
  • When exiting, move 50 meters away from the building.
  • When exiting, check in with the emergency warden and provide any information or hazards you have noted during evacuation. Identify yourself and remain available to provide information to Safety and Security officers or the authorities.
  • Stay out of the way of emergency responders who are responding to the incident.
  • Do not block streets, driveways or entrances/exits.

Evacuation of people with disabilities

Prepare for emergencies by learning the location of exit corridors and enclosed stairwell and inform co-workers, teachers and or classmates of the best methods of assistance during an emergency.

Hearing impaired

Difficulty may occur at the time of alarm where the person may not hear or be aware that there is an evacuation underway.

  • Co-workers and colleagues should ensure that the hearing impaired person is aware that an evacuation is ordered.
  • Instructions to evacuate can be given by writing a short explicit note to evacuate.
Visually impaired

Visually impaired are usually able to evacuate with the normal flow of people.

  • Visually impaired individuals should take the time to learn their way to and from at least 2 exits in the area they are working.
  • Visually impaired individuals may need assistance in evacuating. As an assistant, you should:
    • Lead the visually impaired individual by inviting him to grasp your elbow. This will enable you to guide the person and help them gain information about doors and steps by having them walk half a step behind you.
    • The assistance should provide all information to the visually impaired to ensure a safe evacuation. Evacuation such as: where you are, where you are going, presence of obstacles, etc.
    • Once outside and at a safe distance, the assistant or another sighted individual should remain with the visually impaired until the emergency is over.
Reduced mobility
  • If there is no immediate danger, mobility impaired individuals will be evacuated after the main flow of traffic has passed to avoid accidents and keep a rapid evacuation pace.
  • Move next to the nearest safe stairwell and communicate with Safety and Security services at 514-744-7575 or by using an intercom to advise them of your location.
  • Only enter the stairwell if the main flow of traffic has passed or that there is an imminent danger to your safety.
  • Await the assistance of a volunteer, security or emergency services.
  • If people ask if you wish to be picked up, you must realize they are not trained to lift and carry a person.

Armed intruder

In the case of an armed individual on campus, a message may be:

  • Sent on Alertus (all college computer screens will be taken over by this message)
  • Broadcasted over college the intercom system
  • Displayed on Omnivox and sent via Email
  • Additional messages will be posted on our website and social media to inform the public that the campus is on lockdown

As soon as you hear or read such a message:

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Avoid being an immobile target or becoming a target by approaching the threat.
  3. Flee the location if you can, and if not, hide as best you can.
  4. Increase the distance between the armed individual and you as much as possible.

Barricading a room

  1. If you cannot exit the building safely, barricade yourself in a room if possible.
  2. Allow others to take shelter before closing the door.
  3. Close and lock the door if possible.
  4. Place objects in front of the door (tables, chairs, trash can, etc.) to prevent access to the room by the armed individual.
  5. Turn off the lights.
  6. Lie on the floor, along a wall, and shelter with a table.
  7. Keep silent, put your mobile devices on silent mode and do not draw attention by making noise.

Once barricaded

  1. Report your presence if possible, either by dialing 911 or security at 514-744-7575.
  2. Evaluate the possibility of leaving the building safely (window, fire escape, etc.).
  3. Ignore the fire alarm unless there are signs of fire (smoke, flames).
  4. Stay put until the police instruct you otherwise.