
John McMahon Honoured with Medal from Member of the National Assembly André Morin

September 3, 2024

In a heartfelt ceremony on August 28, 2024, André Morin (Member of the National Assembly for Acadie) presented the prestigious médaille du député to Vanier College’s outgoing Director General John McMahon.

The ceremony took place in the Architectural Technology department, during a special gathering attended by students, staff, and St-Laurent Mayor Alan de Sousa. Mr. Morin praised John for his unwavering commitment to education in Quebec, and for his significant impact at Vanier College.

“Mr. McMahon’s leadership at Vanier has been marked by significant achievements, encompassing both academic and community initiatives,” stated André Morin who specifically highlighted sustainability and Indigenous initiatives under John’s directorship, before praising John for being down-to-earth, respectful, and optimistic. In response, a surprised John, who had no prior knowledge that he would receive the award, expressed deep gratitude and acknowledged the collaborative effort of the entire school community.

In a career spanning almost 50 years, John was an educator at both the high school and college levels, in a variety of settings ranging from the Canadian Arctic, to the Bahamas, Ottawa, Belleville, and Montreal. He has been an ardent defender of both Anglophone and Indigenous student rights in Quebec for many years. John retired from his post as Director General at Vanier College on August 30, 2024 and will take on a new role as the Quebec government’s sous-ministre adjoint for relations with English-speaking Quebecers.

The National Assembly’s médaille du député is awarded to Quebeckers who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to public service and community development. John McMahon joins a distinguished group of recipients who have made significant positive impacts on Quebec society.

Speech given by André Morin, MNA for Acadie, August 28, 2024:

Today we celebrate the outstanding career of Mr. John McMahon as Director General of Vanier College.

Mr. McMahon first came to the College in 2006 as Academic Dean and he came back to Vanier as Director General in 2016 and he was renewed for a second mandate in 2021.

Mr. McMahon’s leadership has been marked by significant achievement, encompassing both academic and community initiatives. He championed Indigenous Education by signing the Indigenous Education Protocol and he supported the creation of the learning circle at Vanier.

Vanier benefitted from his experience following his passage in the North at the Jannimmarik School in KUUJJAQ. He was the school principal for years, learning from the Indigenous community and the Inuit. M. McMahon était aux commandes du Collège pendant la pandémie.

Il a dirigé le collège avec créativité et résilience pendant cette période difficile. En tant que gestionnaire avisé, il a maintenu le collège dans une stabilité financière.

Il a aussi mis en place des mesures de protection avec un plan d’action numérique complet. Il y joué un rôle important dans la création du jardin à Vanier, un endroit paisible, magnifique pour les étudiants et les membres de la communauté.

Sur une note plus personnelle, j’ai été très privilégié de côtoyer John en tant que député. Il est un excellent communicateur, un humaniste respectueux avec une bonne humeur et un optimisme indéfectible.

John va continuer son travail pour la population québécoise en tant que sous -ministre adjoint chargé du secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise. Je lui offre meilleurs vœux de succès pour ce nouveau travail. 

Pour toutes ces raisons, je suis heureux de lui remettre la médaille du député de l'Assemblée nationale.



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