Honours Social Science and Commerce

    Vanier’s Honours Social Science and Commerce program is intended for students with high academic standing and interest in the social sciences.

    Open to students of any Social Science or Commerce profile (including double DCS programs), this honours program fosters and recognizes academic excellence in the social sciences. Honours students benefit from engaged peers and additional faculty support, as well as special activites such as guest lectures and field trips. To qualify, students must demonstrate strong academic performance in their first semester of a Social Science or Commerce program at Vanier. 

    Program advantages

    • Tight-knit cohort of highly engaged peers
    • Additional faculty support through tutorial sessions
    • Transcript boost with an honours attestation
    • Advanced course content

    What about my R-score?

    A common misconception is that enrolling in an honours program negatively impacts your R-score. In fact, the calculation reflects your relative standing across both honours and regular sections of the common courses. This means your score is not negatively impacted. 



    McColl, ShelleyHonours Social Science coordinator
    Social ScienceT. 514.744.7500 x 6027
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