Sexual Violence Support Services

Vanier College offers specialized support to any student who has been impacted by sexual/dating violence that has occurred on or off campus.

Your voice will be heard. Your choices will be respected.

The One-Stop Service

The One-Stop Service is the initial point of contact for immediate and comprehensive responses to disclosures, reports, and complaints of sexual violence. These services are always guided by the student and remain confidential*.

*Limits of confidentiality includes serious and imminent risk of harm and suspected abuse of a minor.

Support provided to Vanier students

  • Non-judgmental and trauma-informed helping relationship
  • Academic accommodations
  • Safety planning
  • Emotional support & active listening
  • Information & advocacy
  • Referrals to internal and external resources
  • Accompaniment during internal and external complaint processes



Campbell, KhadijaSocial Service Officer-Sexual Violence Prevention & Response
Student ServicesT. 514.744.7500 x 7145
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Student Services
T. 514.744.7885
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