Writing Centre

Located in E-320, the Writing Centre offers writing support and assistance to all students. Our aim is to help you express your ideas clearly in any disciplines by helping you hone your writing, composition and referencing skills.


Keep in mind that: 

  • The Writing Centre does not edit or proofread your work. The purpose of a writing consultation is to help improve writing skills. We will be able to identify and discuss any problems with organization and structure, analysis, argument, clarity, grammar, syntax, etc.  We can also suggest strategies for revision. We will not, however, fix your mistakes for you.
  • Assignments should not be brought in on the due date. Please bring the assignment at least a few days before it is due.
  • If you are more than five minutes late for your appointment, the appointment will be considered canceled. If you need to cancel your appointment, let the writing consultant know.
  • The maximum amount of time you can spend with any writing consultant per week is 1 hour (drop-in and scheduled appointments combined).

Drop-in consultations

Drop-in consultations with teachers from various faculties are available throughout the semester. See this semester's schedule on Omnivox.

You can also get drop-in help from an English peer tutor.


With teachers (online)

These are up to 30-minute appointments you can book with a teacher to review something you have written in detail. After you book the appointment, the teacher will contact you via MIO or Teams to confirm and explain how the appointment will proceed. To access Teams, log into Office365 with your Vanier email or contact IT services.

With a peer tutor

These are one-on-one sessions that happen on a weekly basis. To get paired with a tutor, follow these steps:

1) Download the Nimbus app

2) Register with your Vanier email ([email protected])

3) Search for your subject (English)

4) Pick your tutor

The TASC peer tutoring program is certified by the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA).

To become certified, tutors must undergo 10 hours of training, 50 hours of tutoring and pass an evaluation.

With an APA/MLA specialist

If you have questions or concerns about the referencing you have done, you can make an appointment with Kim Muncey to review your citations, references, quotes, or paraphrases. Please MIO her with your request.