Three students in lab coats sit at a table in a laboratory. From left to right: a female student with long dark hair, hoop earrings and light-toned skin laughs, a second female student with medium-toned skin and glasses writes on a sheet of paper, and a male student with medium to dark-toned skin and curly hair looks over at the paper. / Trois étudiants en blouse sont assis à une table dans un laboratoire. De gauche à droite : une étudiante aux longs cheveux noirs, aux boucles d'oreilles et à la peau claire rit, une deuxième étudiante à la peau moyenne et aux lunettes écrit sur une feuille de papier, et un étudiant à la peau moyenne à foncée et aux cheveux bouclés regarde la feuille.


Science and Social Science (Commerce)

  • Program type


  • Length

    3 years

  • Admission


  • Program category

    Double DCS

Vanier's Science and Social Science (Commerce) double DCS program offers a strong foundation in the sciences, mathematics and the fundamentals of business.

This double DCS program combines the strengths of Vanier's pre-university Science profiles (Pure and Applied or Health and Life Science) and Commerce program. Students develop their knowledge in the sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Mathematics (Calculus, Algebra) while learning key business concepts and frameworks. With the addition of introductory Social Science courses and instruction in research methods, graduates leave well prepared for studies in virtually any domain of Science, Social Science or Business Administration.

The program is particularly suited to those interested in a domain that involves management, private practice or consultancy, such as architecture, engineering, dentistry, therapy, medicine, pharmaceutics and more. This 3-year, 6-semester program enables students to focus on 6 courses per semester (with 5 in the final semester), instead of the usual 7 or 8. Graduates will meet all the requirements for both pre-university diplomas: a DCS in Science and a DCS in Social Science: Commerce.

Why choose this program?

  • Prepare for a range of university programs
  • Develop your knowledge across the sciences
  • Learn foundational business concepts and theory
  • Build interdisciplinary skills and expertise

What are my options after graduating?

Career perspective

A double DCS in Science and Social Science (Commerce) prepares you for further studies and careers in:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Commerce
  • Dentistry
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Geology
  • Law
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Optometry
  • Physical therapy

University studies

This program is designed to prepare students for university. Consult with an Academic Advisor to know the prerequisites for your chosen program. 

Contact us


Park, NicholasScience coordinator
ScienceT. 514.744.7500 x 6024
Send email


Kuch, StefanCommerce coordinator
CommerceT. 514.744.7500 x 6028
Send email

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