Associations and certifications

In line with our strategic sustainability goals, Vanier is an accredited member of various associations seeking to promote sustainability in higher education. 

Environnement Jeunesse (ENJEU)

ENvironnement JEUnesse is an environmental youth organization that fosters youth engagement and ecucation in socila, economic, and environmental issues. ENJEU also manages the Cégep Vert de Québec environmental certification program for Québec colleges.

Vanier College is currently an Excellency Level Cégep Vert de Québec and has been since 2013.

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

AASHE is the leading association for the advancement of sustainability in higher education. It serves a full range of higher education faculty, administrators, staff, and students who are change agents and drivers of sustainability innovation.

Vanier College currently holds a Silver STARS rating from AASHE.

WWF Living Planet @ Campus

Vanier College has been certified as a WWF Living Planet @ Campus partner since 2024. Living Planet @ Campus is engaging thousands of post-secondary students in activities that address the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. Protecting and restoring nature, advancing the practice of sustainability on a personal and academic level, and expanding their network of impact on campus and beyond are just some of the ways that students are leading the transition to a sustainable future.

Eco Entreprise Québec

Vanier College offsets its paper use every year as a member in good standing of Eco Entreprise Québec. As a leader in extended producer responsibility, Eco Entreprise Québec develops, manages and provides circular economy solutions to its member producers so they can reduce their environmental footprint. Eco Entreprise Québec places eco-design, recyclability and traceability at the core of all actions with its partners.

Nature Positive Universities

Vanier College signed the pledge to be a Nature Positive campus in 2022. Nature Positive Universities invites universities, colleges and higher education institutions to make a Nature Positive Pledge. This is a commitment to start a nature positive journey, incorporating a biodiversity baseline, targets, actions and annual reporting. Making a Nature Positive Pledge is a commitment to address the impacts and influence of an institution on nature.

Fair Trade Campus

Vanier College has been a designated Fair Trade Campus since 2018. Fair Trade ensures that fair prices are paid to producers in international trade. Fairtrade certification seeks to ensure better wages, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. 

As part of its Sustainability mandate, Vanier College, in collaboration with its food service providers (Chartwells and Jake’s Café, the Sustainability Office, VCACE Committee, and local student-led WUSC committee), has made a commitment to supporting and educating about Fair Trade. Food services providers on campus are working to provide as many fair trade products as possible, in as many places as possible, in and around the campus. Increasing the use and sales of Fair Trade products can have meaningful impact on producers and their communities.   

On campus, this means that: 

  • All coffee served on campus is Fairtrade-certified 

  • At least three Fairtrade certified teas are available wherever tea is sold 

  • At least one Fairtrade certified chocolate bar is available wherever chocolate is sold 

  • All internally catered campus events serve fair trade coffees and 3 fair trade tea options 

The college holds regular outreach activities and in-class education, to inform the college community about the benefits that Fairtrade has for farmers and workers in the Global South. 

Fair Trade is a third-party certification focused on ethical practices, supporting a fair deal for farmers and workers. This is done through trading partnerships based on dialogue, transparency, and respect. 



Santolin, SonyaSustainability Advisor
Physical Plant and FacilitiesT. 514.744.7500 x 7525
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Wiseman, StewartHealth, Safety and Sustainability Manager
Health and SafetyT. 514.744.7500 x 7735
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